Kategoriarkiv: Internationellt
Tack från IAI
Konferens hos den nybildade lokalföreningen – IAI European Division
The ForensicWeek.com Webcast TV Show – LIVE
The show is streamed LIVE on YouTube and the homepage of forensicweek.com. Each show is recorded and archived on the forensicweek.com website to be watched at your convenience. Forensicweek.com is a talk show format, where each week the listening audience can hear what is on the minds of scientists, investigators, lawyers, and educators.
Kolla på:
Låt bevisen tala
Let the evidence speak (klicka här bredvid för att se kurser planerade under 2015).
Ron Smith and Associates, Inc. anordnar sedan många år kurser med koppling till International Association for Identification – IAI.
Vill du veta mer kontakta http://www.ronsmithandassociates.com/training/schedule.php. Du kan även kontakta jan.olsson@forensic.se
Utrustning för brandutredningar
Företaget Sirchie har publicerat en ny katalog över utrustning för brandutredare. Du hittar den på:
Skyddad: Felaktig DNA-analys – Avslöjandet av Jack the Ripper stämde ej
Digital Forensics Training & Certification
Läs mer under: http://www.iacis.com/
Introduction to DNA Analysis – Y STR and mtDNA
Online Continuing Education and Training in Forensic Sciences
Forensiced.org offers online training for forensic and medical professionals, law enforcement and ancillary professionals. Course topics range from toxicology to crime scene investigation
Denna och andra kurser inom det forensiska området genomförs av RTI International Center for Forensic Sciences.
Du kan hitta kursutbudet under: www.forensiced.org
Introduction to DNA Analysis – Y STR and mtDNA
Course Description:
This course will discuss how Y STR and mitochondrial DNA forensic analysis can assist with solving cases. This course will discuss the characteristics of both Y STR and mitochondrial DNA analysis and how these different forensic markers can be applied to solving cases. This course covers entry level concepts and is foundational to more advanced courses.
By the end of this course, one will be able to:
- Understand the basic characteristics of the Y Chromosome
- Understand the basic characteristics of mitochondrial DNA
- Understand the benefit of Y STR analysis for criminal casework
- Understand the benefit of mitochondrial analysis for criminal casework
- Understand the statistical properties of these types of forensic comparisons
Course Type: On demand presentation
Length: Approximately 180 minutes
Presenter(s): Patricia A Melton
Dr. Patricia Melton is a senior research forensic scientist at RTI International where her primary responsibilities are to develop and coordinate forensic DNA research and business opportunities. Prior to going RTI international, Dr. Melton was a forensic practitioner and supervisor for nearly a decade in both a government forensic laboratory and state crime laboratory. In addition Dr. Melton has held academic positions at both Western Carolina University and Stevenson University supporting both forensic biology and biology programs. Dr. Melton remains currently engaged in the field of forensic science but maintaining status as a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and as an ASCLD-LAB Assessor.
Audience: Law Enforcement Personnel, Legal Professionals
Performance Requirement: Interactive questions will be included in the material to ensure participants understand the material.
Course Accreditation: Documentation of Attendance.